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Pre-Marriage Counselling with the FOCCUS Australia Program

















The FOCCUS Australia programme has been running for many years with proven success in Australia and overseas for couples before marriage. FOCCUS is an aid for marriage preparation and helps couples to study, understand and communicate openly with each other about the many things that are important in the couple relationship.


The inventory questionnaire completed by couples at the commencement of FOCCUS is a self-diagnostic tool designed to assist couples in learning more about themselves and their unique relationship. It is not a test nor meant as a predictor of success or failure in marriage. It is a tool to help couples name and work through issues before marriage.


FOCCUS engages a couple quickly in a preparation process by giving them content for relection and discussion.


The FOCCUS inventory provides individualised couple feedback on where each partner stands in regard to topic areas important in marriage.


It is an opportunity:


  • For couples to spend time with each other.

  • To learn more about self....more about their partner.

  • To learn new relationship skills....and to build on the skills a couple already has.

  • For the couple to identify their strengths and areas in their relationship that they may
    need to spend time working on.

  • For the individual and the couple to explore their relationship expectations.

  • Encourages couples to focus on their marriage rather than on their wedding.

  • Gives couples permission to talk about some of the more vulnerable aspects of their relationship.

  • Is an investment in the couple commitment.


Marriage & Relationship Education:


  • Occurs in a non-judgemental setting.


  •           Allows couples to take time out from the busyness of their day to day lives to focus on their relationship.


A Framework For Understanding Why Marriages Work - 9 Tasks


FOCCUS helps couples to consider 9 important aspect of starting a life together. 


These are:


  1. Separating from family of origin - move into the 'we' of the relationship.

  2. Building togetherness and creating autonomy.

  3. Becoming parents.

  4. Coping with crisis - building a strong friendship helps couples move through a crisis.

  5. Making a safe place for conflict.

  6. Exploring sexual love and intimacy.

  7. Sharing laughter and keeping interests alive.

  8. Providing emotional nurturance.

  9. Preserving a double vision.


This program runs over a period of 3 or 4 weeks.  This can vary from couple to couple depending on what is revealed in the questionnaire.


Call June if you would like to undertake this program


0431 483 0170431 483 017

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